Short-Term Report - This is our flagship product and is published every Tuesday after the market closes. The recommendations consist of one or two stocks advising either a buy or a short sale strategy. Our analyst's comb through thousands of stocks listed on the major indexes each week and look for companies that may return 15%-30% over the next 2-8 weeks.

Long-Term Report - This report is published bi-weekly and sent to clients on every other Thursday. The recommendations contained in this report consist of companies that we believe will achieve above-average returns over a six-to-eighteen month period. Each investment report generally includes 1-2 new opportunities.

Special Opportunities Report - This analytical report is published at various times (about 12 times annually) throughout the year when we isolate an uncommon value in the stock market. These recommendations have the potential for significant gains (generally in excess of 60%-100%).

Industry Outlook - Twice a month our Research Staff highlights and assesses a unique sector in the market. After sizing up that industry, they select the best candidates, discuss their outlooks and explain which companies you want to avoid.
This report serves as your gateway to sector profits and becomes your educational guide to specific industry opportunities.

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